Monday, July 21, 2014

The Over The Shoulder Conversation Situation

This happens to me all the time.  It is quite possible it happens to you as well, but you haven't noticed it.   Let's say you're standing around at a social gathering and you strike up a conversation with someone.   In general, people don't stand directly face-to-face when they talk, they might stand at a ninety-degree angle to each other or somewhere in-between face-to-face and ninety-degrees.  Check it out the next time you're in a standing conversation with someone you've just met.

What happens more frequently than I would expect is the position people want to stand in.  They have a particular, "comfortable spot" of where they like to stand in relation to your position.   Some some people want to stand at or slightly behind your shoulder, requiring you to turn your head at a decent angle to talk to them.

Normally, this wouldn't bother me, except that I have multiple vertebrae fused in my neck and I physically can't turn my head that far without discomfort.   So I adjust; I rotate slightly to get the person back into a more comfortable visual angle and continue talking.   What happens next, almost without fail, is the other person changes their position to what they find, "conversationally comfortable" which puts us back into the same situation as we started.   Usually this goes on for a bit.

It's an interesting phenomenon.

The Big Boy Update:  He says, "okay pahmer" all the time and we say it back to him.  The other day I asked if he was saying, "okay farmer".  He said yes, and then he said no, and now we still have no answer to the question, "who is Pahmer?"  

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Today I argued for the first time, and won, an argument where I was going to remove her independence.   That last sentence didn't go very well.  What I mean is I told her I was going to do something for her that we'd been trying to get her to do on her own for months.   Now, she doesn't want you to put her clothes on her.  She gets mad if you try and help.  Today, I told her I was going to dress her if she didn't start dressing herself.  

Fitness Update:  One hour at the gym, I'm almost done having to do alternate exercises for my shoulder issue.  I'll be glad to get back to doing what everyone else is doing.

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