Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Trash Can Stomping Scar

I was in the tub this morning when I noticed a scar on my left knee that I hadn't seen in years.  Actually, that's not exactly true.  I see that scar probably all the time, but since it's been in that spot on my knee since I was a child, it doesn't even register any more.

It's a white line about an inch long on the outside of my knee and I remember when it happened.  I was in elementary school most certainly, but old enough to help my parents out with various household tasks.

One day my mother asked me to take out the trash.  I had helped her before with this task, but this time she said, "Make sure the lid is on very tightly.  We've been having a problem with the raccoons and I don't want to have to clean up trash strewn all around the yard again."

I longed for my mother's approval, so I was going to be very certain not even a gang of raccoons, working in unison, could get that garbage lid off.  I put in the trash, placed the lid on top, climbed up on top of the silver metal trash can and proceeded to jump up and down on the lid.  I wasn't concerned about the trash man's ability to remove the lid later, I just wanted keep those pesky raccoons out.   And then, right in the middle of my excellent plan, I fell.

I don't know if the lid buckled, but I wouldn't blame it if it did, I was jumping up and down on it.  I don't remember how I fell, but I know I landed poorly and the side of my knee scraped down one of the four wooden stakes my father had in the ground to keep the trash can in place.

I looked at my knee.  It was a strange cut.  I'd been cut so many times before I was mostly doing damage assesment so I'd know how badly to scream or cry at that point.  But in this case, the cut wasn't bleeding.  A small, clean trench of skin had been carved out and underneath it was beautiful, white fatty tissue.  I didn't know it was beautiful, white fatty tissue at the time and I suppose not knowing what was going on and why the heck it wasn't bleeding scared me.  I mean, how badly must you have hurt yourself for there to be no blood?  This could be trouble.

I ran back to the kitchen door to tell mom as I tried not to cry.  Fortunately, by the time I got to her, blood has started to seep through and I realized I was okay after all.

It took a good while for that cut to heal.  Today, interestingly enough, the scar is a much lighter color than most other scars I have.  I had forgotten all about those unreliable silver trash can and the raccoons and the trash man walking through our back yard to pick up our trash and garbage every week until this morning when I looked at my knee in the tub and saw that little white scar.

The Big Boy Update:  "I want to make cookies."  We didn't have any plans this morning and we were trying to decide where to go or what to do when my son announced, "I want to make cookies."  My husband and I like cookies and a trip to the grocery store is great fun to both children as they like to try the samples at the deli and help us with the shopping list.  So off we go to get, among other things, all the ingredients to make Chewieo Bars.  When we got home, my son helped us put all the ingredients into the pan and he watched as the marshmallows bubble as the bars cooked.  Unfortunately, he didn't eat his meal at lunch so he hasn't had a chance to try them yet. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Cutting up sugar snap peas.  I sat her down at the little table and chairs just her height and gave her a tray with some snap peas and the safety waffle cutter and asked her to cut up the peas for snack.  This is something they do at school.  She sat there for a long while, cutting (or possibly hacking) at the snap peas and eating small bits from time to time. 

Fitness Update:  This is more about weight versus fitness.  I decided to put on some weight because of the muscles I've (hopefully) been building over time.  I'm holding now at seven pounds more than I had been in months past months.  It was not hard to gain that seven pounds I might add.  I do like food.

Someone Once Said:  Weapons are the last result of faulty diplomacy.

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