Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hobbies and Crafts

I do crafts.  I like crafts.  I do all sorts of things that I might need to go to a Michael's store for.  Recently my husband talked about a new store in his parent's town that had a big sign saying, "Hobby" on the front.  We weren't sure if the store was named, Hobby, or if it was an indication of the contents of their store inventory.  Was it a store where people sold things they made through their hobbies and crafts?  We'd have to wait until it opened.

My husband was looking forward to it opening because he's been wanting to make a train table with my son.  He's a little young for a real train table (my son, not my husband) but it's never too early to get planning.

The other day my husband said he found out the store had opened and his parents had gone.  He said he was disappointed because the hobby store he had such high hopes for turned out to be much like a Michael's.  I said, "Oh, it's a girl craft store, not a boy hobby store."

Until that moment it never occurred to me, but the word, "hobby" is more associated with things men like to do like model cars, trains, planes and figurines.  Crafts is a more female-oriented word associated with basket weaving, picture framing, origami, jewelry making and lots and lots of other things that come to mind that I love to do personally.

Am I being stereotypical?  You bet I am.  Stereotypes are generally there for a good reason.  Certainly there are many men who love Michael's, my builder included.  And I put together more than one model when I was younger and had more time.  It was just an interesting realization I had that my notion of the word, "hobby" is more male-oriented and "crafts" are something I not only love to do with my girlfriends, but I have a whole room that's nicknamed, "the craft room" in the house.

The Big Boy Update:  Choo choo.  He has started liking trains.  He says, "choo choo" a lot.  We have a potty book all about trains.  He can spot one in pictures or in a toy from across the room now.  And now he has a new, plastic, riding train with a back car.  Maybe he'll learn to take his sister for a ride some day soon.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Finger bowl, part two.  Today, after yesterday's finger bowl introduction, I brought it back after a messy lunch.  She saw the bowl coming and smiled at me.  I wasn't sure I was going to be able to get the bowl back, she had so much fun cleaning her hands.

Fitness Update:  Half marathon plan.  My neighbor and I are going to do it.  I ran ten miles and she ran eight the following day.  The race we're targeting is in November, so we feel confident we can make it in time.  I am very pleased to be training with her.  She has run a half marathon before, so she can give me good advice.  She also isn't interested in racing, but in completing, which is exactly what I want to do.  So we're a good match for training partners.  Besides that, she's fun to be around and always encouraging.

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