The Comfort of Tea
I love a good cup of tea. I like hot chocolate, spiced cider, coffee to some extend, but there's nothing like a good cup of tea. For decades now, I've had a hot water tap in my kitchen. It's nice to make a cup of something hot and know the temperature you'll be getting the water at will be the same every time. It's also even nicer to not have to wait for the microwave or a kettle.
When we had our son, we discovered another great use for the hot water tap. I think we've had a two-cup measuring cup in the sink for over a year now. When it comes time to heat up some formula or milk, we stick the bottle in the cup and fill it with hot water from the tap. Off you go to change the diaper or get the baby up and when you come back, perfectly warmed milk. It's also a quick way to get a hot cloth (little hot, little cold) for wiping off hands and messy faces without waiting for the hot water to make it through the real faucet.
With my current cold and sore throat, a nice cup of tea is even more appreciated.
The Big Boy Update: He loves to say "bye bye" and wave to everyone. He waves at everything too. Tonight he waved to the stairs, waved at himself and waved and said bye bye to me when I put him to bed just now. He's said "hi," but he likes most to say bye bye.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: It was a happy day today. She slept well, has been happy and awake or soundly asleep all day. She's also eaten very well. Hopefully the good day will continue through the night.
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