Friday, September 7, 2012

U Can Do It (in poo)

It was an expensive run. 

Yesterday I felt like I was slacking off on the exercising front.  Hm, let me rethink that.  I think I'm just concerned that I haven't made the half-marathon distance yet and I feel my confidence wavering from time to time.  I've even shortened a few runs lately. 

So I went out, thinking I'd do a long run and planning on doing the 13.1 miles accomplished.  It was a bright, sunny day.  I had some tan lines when I got in from the portion I ran out from under the trees.  I was tired initially.  I wasn't sure I could make it, but then I got into a stride.

I had run about five miles when I passed some strangely arranged horse poo on the trail.  I turned around and realized someone had arranged the poo into a message... it said, very clearly, "U CAN DO IT."    Who arranges poo on a trail?!  I ran on, took it as a message and about a half-mile later was kicking myself for not getting a picture of it.  Ah well. 

So I'm in a stride now.  I'm doing mental mile markings in my mind and adding a new leg to the run so that I can get back to the house at close to the 13.1 mile mark.  A little early and I'll just run around the neighborhood to finish it off.

At around nine miles the skies grow ominously dark.  The bright sun is gone.  Then, there is thunder.  At about 9.5 miles there is rain.  The rain turns into crazy downpour.  This is the bit where the run got costly.

I am drenched in sweat.  There is nothing on me that is anything other than dripping in sweat and rain.  My little phone, my favorite iPhone 4S with the cool heart rate monitor that only works with the 4S is in a water-resistant pouch.  But resistant doesn't hold up to deluge of rain.

At the ten mile mark the sound had gone out.  I hoped water got into the speaker and I just couldn't hear it.  At about eleven miles I got to the watering hole.  I pulled out the phone to find the LED "flash" permanently on and the main button not working.  Blast it.  I was still 1.5 or more miles from home. 

13.1 miles didn't matter now, I just needed to get home and blow-dry the phone.  I got in, and crazy enough was able to check the distance on the running app I use and end the workout.  But the phone was a casualty.  There are lots of technical things to explain about what bits work and what bits don't work but Apple said, sorry, new phone for you.  

The iPhone 5 announcement is in five days so for now I'm passing on replacing the phone and borrowing my husband's old iPhone 4. 

The Big Boy Update:  Traumatic Meals.  He is going through a phase with eating lately.  Just woken up?  Too upset to eat.  Over-hungry?  Too upset to eat.  Thinks you might offer him food instead of elephants for a meal?  Too upset to ponder any food item, even if it's his favorite.  We're discovering two things.  First, do not try to get him to eat anything.  NEVER shove a spoon at his mouth when he's upset.  This will make him less-inclined to eat the food.   Second, don't offer an alternate food.  What you offered him was find, he just needs to calm down.  What seems to work best is putting him in the high chair (or better yet, let him climb in himself,) sit the food down and walk away.  In less than two minutes he'll most likely be eating the food. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Napping on the floor.  She likes her bed, but she can be convinced the floor with a fluffy blanket is a nice napping spot.  She's trying to get comfortable on the floor now.  Bambi is on the TV and she's got her pacifier.  We'll see if she makes it to sleep...

Fitness Update:  12.6 miles, one dead phone.

Someone Once Said:  If you get more mileage out of your sins by regretting them, that’s your business.

1 comment:

  1. About the poo picture... what would have been more disappointing, not taking the picture and wishing you had, or taking the picture and then realizing that it is forever lost on the dead iPhone?
